
  • What’s TRIP you ask?
    TRIP stands for Tuition Reduction Incentive Program. This program is also known to some as SCRIP. It is a gift card fundraising program that is free to participate in and can raise thousands of dollars for your tuition.
  • Sounds great! How does it work?
    You purchase gift cards through Great Lakes Scrip at using an enrollment code (ELBABA2C769) to connect you to Calvary Christian School. You then pay, for example, $100 and receive a $100 gift card (e-gift card or reload) at one of the many retailers. The retailer offers a discount percentage to purchase the card which is split out between the participating family and the school’s administration fee.
  • So how do we make money?
    Calvary Christian has partnered with Great Lakes Scrip who acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non-profit organizations to purchase large amounts of gift cards, reloads or e-cards from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers. Because the gift cards are purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount. Our organization orders the gift cards, ecards and reloads from vendors that offer a discount. We purchase them at a discount, but receive full face value. The discount, ranging from 30% to 2%, is our organization’s revenue.
  • Count me in! How do I place an order?
    Orders are placed each Monday and delivered on Thursday. If you have a student in school, gift cards will be sent home with your student if you choose to do so. Otherwise, gift cards can be picked up in the school office after 2pm on Thursday.

  • Is there an app for that?
    For every gift card, reload or e-cards you buy through TRIP, a percentage of it is deposited in your account to go towards your tuition. Go to There is a bar to "sign up."  Click on that and choose, "Join a Program." Choose ,"create an Account" and put in your information. Click next and set up a username and password for signing in. Follow the prompts for making your account secure and then you should be all set up. I recommend connecting your bank account for payment and it is set up with a pin to secure it. This makes the program easy to order, get reloads or get ScripNow e-cards at any time. Download the free RaiseRight app (Raise Right- Fundraising the symbol is a blue and red heart for the app). This app allows you to order and will help manage your ecards and follow balances in your wallet. You will sign into this app with your username and password from your account you created on (Keep in mind that order days will allow you to get physical gift cards and those cards that do not have an e-card option.) 

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